(678) 369-7481


Call us now at (678) 369-7481 for a price quote over the phone. We don't publish exact prices online, because prices vary based on several variables, such as the type and number of animals, the type of property or building, location, etc. If you call us and describe your situation, we can tell you a price over the phone. But here are some general examples. Don't hold us to these exact numbers!

SMALL JOB: This could be a single-trip job, such as the removal of a snake from the yard, or a squirrel in the fireplace, or a dead animal under the house. This type of job might be in the range of $150-$299

MEDIUM JOB: This could be a 2-3 service trip job, such as putting down traps to remove and relocate nuisance raccoons, or setting rat traps in the attic and performing simpler home repairs. This type of job might be in the range of $300-$599

BIG JOB: This could be a job such as the removal of a colony of bats in a building, or a female raccoon and her babies in an attic, along with large building repairs and attic cleanup, etc. This type of job might be in the range of $600 on up

Remember, call us at (678) 369-7481 for a price quote over the phone. Or visit our Forest Park wildlife trapping home page to learn more about us.

Our wildlife services are one of the leading animal control and animal services in the state! Our humane method of dealing with urban wildlife conflicts and our proven methods make us one of the best choices in dealing with wildlife nuisance for your home, commercial areas, and industrial factories. We specialize with humane animal control of raccoons, rats, possums, bats, and others. Our business philosophy is built around wildlife proofing homes and businesses to keep wild animals from getting in and causing damage. Our wildlife specialists are fully licensed and well rounded in their field. They've attended the latest industry seminars and extensive training to be updated to the latest methods in handling all kinds of wildlife and utilizes all the state of the art wildlife control equipment. Our goal is to serve the community by providing quality wildlife service and to exceed the expectation of our customers. Other than wildlife removal, we also provide services such as attic clean-outs, odor control, insulation removal and replacement, waste removal, roof repair, and insurance quotes. As one of the leading animal services in the state, we are committed to bringing you quality and reliable help one service at a time. Our services are just one call away! If you have wildlife concerns that are too hard to deal with, contact us and we will be there to get it done for you.